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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Songs For The Deaf?

It's a Queens of the Stone Age reference.

The past two days, Luke has given me a few tasks to help better my skills in songwriting which, by the way, is what I want to focus on in STAC for at least the remainder of this year.

Yesterday, I was handed a sheet of paper. This paper had a guitar chord progression on it, complete with sections specific to each part of a song including the verses, choruses, and pre-choruses. My task was to write an entirely original song, minus the part about the already existing chord progression, complete with my own written lyrics for each part of the song. I had less than three periods to make it, perform it, and record it live in one take.

Today, Luke gave me a similar mission to yesterday's, except this time, the lyrics for the song were already written. Using the lyrics given to me, I was required to write my own chord progression to accompany them as well as a melody for the vocal part. I also had about three periods to write, perform, and record this song as well. Oh, and did I mention that, unlike yesterday's agenda, there was no specific verse, chorus, or any other musical section specified in these lyrics. For all I cared I could have written a spoken word poem with a simple G to C and back to G chord progression to complement it and the song would have been acceptable.

I am not complaining. I actually really enjoyed this project. I think that, even though I have never done something like this before, it has been a real learning experience and one of the more unorthodox, yet innovative and effective ways of getting my songwriting mana juices a flowin'.

As far as my final products are concerned, I am pretty content with the quality of each. However, I think my lyrics for the fist song could have been a little more progressive, for lack of a better word, and less forced-to-fit-the-melody kind of lyrics. I know that I could have done better and I know that if I had more than an hour and fifty minutes to write better lyrics, I would. I also need to work on my singing. I know that I am pretty capable of singing fairly mediocre tunes and nothing spectacular, but I would really like to have a better understanding of my vocal range and more comfort with my technique which, come due time, will hopefully eventually occur to an extent.


P.S. Those are my initials
P.S.S. That's what I would name my boat...if I had one
P.S.S.S. I am deeply sorry for aligning my signature on the right instead of the left on my last post. I am very angry at myself for this.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Let's Get (meta)Physical

Is our universe infinite?

People say that our universe is ever-expanding, but it had to start from a singular point, right? If this is true, then there must be an edge to its plane somewhere... And if there is, indeed, an edge, what lies beyond?

Is there another universe?

Perhaps it is parallel, or at the least extremely similar to our own. If that is the case then is it possible that there are more than one? Think of all the universes as one infinite mirror. Could it be that there are an infinite amount of ever-expanding universes beyond our own infinitely expanding universe? A multiverse?

Or is it just void?

What if, past the edge of all that is currently known and perceived as plausible, there is nothing; something so empty that we humans cannot even begin to comprehend its importance.

But what if there is no edge?

What if our universe is circular, resembling a giant sphere, and is on one, giant, infinite loop? If this is true, then would it be possible to travel so far, so deep into the universe that one would eventually return to the same spot that he or she began their travels? But even then,

would it ever be exact?

And no, I do not use marijuana.
