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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Meaningful Nonsense

The coldest my coffee can possibly become at this moment is 63°F.


Friday, October 19, 2012


Sometimes I want to be able to look out my window and see what I want.

Not what is there.

Sometimes I wish there was was someone here who got it.

Someone who gets it.

Who gets me.


Sometimes looks really weird if you stare at it long enough.

I wish someone understood my clichés.

I know someone does.

I think.

Sometimes I want to stop making everything so personal.

I wish I didn't have to make everything so personal.

It's too cliché.

And those were never easily understood.

Sometimes I don't think.

I only assume. 


Monday, October 15, 2012

Asleep While Sleeping

My work is becoming stale.

Why is it becoming stale? Did I forget to close the box? 


That's just silly. 

It's common sense. Everyone knows that you need to close the box of work when your finished with it. 

Maybe I wasn't finished. 

I think I still wanted more of it. 

But now it's too late. Now it is stale. 

Now it is work. 

Now it is not work. 

What is it? Why is it stale? 

It's more than that. 

It's reminiscing. 

It's no longer the present. Therefore, it is no longer itself. 

I think it is becoming stale. 

I don't want them to become stale. 

I don't want her to become stale.

It is not about her.



Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oedipus Takes Manhattan

Please forgive me, for I am loathing the world right now. Tomorrow should be fun. I'm planning to shoot some video of "normal" (and I use that word lightly) urban life and possibly turn that into a music video.

You: A music video eh?

I: Why, yes ol' chap! My main mission is to take the audio that I capture and record a song over it, using The City as my inspiration. I already have an idea of what the song needs to be about.

The City is a wonderful, but hectic place. So many things are occurring at one particular moment in time and so many lives are being affected at once in such a densely concentrated area. There are things that repel and attract us all over the place (see what I did there?).

You: Well then I suppose we will see you tomorrow then!

I: No you won't! You are just a figment of my imagination! You don't exist silly!


Monday, October 1, 2012

Off A Cliff

There's not much I need to say about The Fall. That is probably true, but it can also be due to the fact that I am suffering from a case of extreme lack in want.


...but for the sake of this blog (and my ass) I'll elaborate. What can I say? It amazed me. The Fall was, in my eyes, a perfect visual execution of Tarsem Singh's representation of imagination through stories. That really gets my head spinning sometimes, just thinking about all the movie's meanings that are brought out into the foreground and yet all of its meanings that underly and burrow their way into the mind of the viewer, ever so underexposed due to its creator's complexity.

Like I said, the movie was absolutely stunning. Every thing filmed, down to the directions each grain of sand was blown by wind in a desert, was so carefully observed that only its utmost beauty was showcased. This being said, the movie is imaginably one that has the audience's full attention.

Singh and his team also devised a twisting plot that had your heart hung from puppet strings at any moment in the film. From the first time Alexandria meets Roy in the hospital to the last intimate moment they share before she is sent back home, there is never a moment where the true emotions of the character are hidden.

Speaking of Alexandria, Catinca Untaru has put on probably the greatest performance I have ever seen a child actor or actress do in film. The moments where she is happy are the brightest moments of your day and the moments where she is sad are the most gut-wrenching moments of your life. Her interaction with Lee Pace (Roy) is also unusually genuine for a actor or actress. She interacted with him during filming almost as if they were off the set, just like family.

While this is obviously a great film, it is also one of the more complex ones I have seen. And by complex I don't mean that you need an above average IQ to watch this movie, but in reality the movie is simply weird. While it is not as cryptic as something like Inception or 2001: A Space Oddessy, their are many subtle yet important meanings that, unless pointed out, are extremely difficult to catch, making The Fall just that much more riveting. 
