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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thoughts on STAC: First Day's Journey

I must be honest, when I worked with STAC last year in their fall performance Metamorphoses, I thought the program looked pretty stellar and that there could be no other better way to express the artistic side of me. so I took it upon myself to audition, majoring in music, and fortunately i received my acceptance letter in the mail shortly thereafter. well...


STAC truly is a great program and a great way for talented and unique students to do what they love doing, whatever it may be. as one of the new students in the program (noobs, as we're infamously called) I was immediately captivated by the wild and creative atmosphere that just the room alone gives off. and being a noob, I naturally had some concerns about things involving the experienced stackies which were swiftly erased from my thoughts because of the great attitude of the other students and the quirky (yet, sort of inspirational) humor given by Luke, the program's director.

Because of a strong storm that moved across the area today the STAC room had no power from 6th period on, so plans for the '12-'13 inaugural classes were thrown for a bit of a curve. instead of a "special surprise presentation" planned for us newbies and, I assume, the rest of the class to enjoy, the class was divided into a few groups to direct and plan a puppet show with each group showcasing different topics involving the program. The end result could only be described as funny, cooperative, chaos. An unusual end to the first day of school, but surely an enjoyable one.

I feel like I'm some sort of restauranteur who visits art program after art program and simply writes boring, heartless reviews about each of them. but this is impossible. because I am sure that there is no other program like STAC out there. I already feel at home and I am looking forward to a spectacular year.

Well, here come the waterworks...


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