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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday: Day Two

Today was a surprise. I was finished early with what I had to do! Granted, the project is still unfinished, but I had completed my self set in-class task today and I was lost...which led me to thinking. 

I was inspired.

I was inspired by the things around me and how they act. A general idea, yes, but a common and almost constantly occurring phenomenon in our world. With a little thought, I found that this can be related and applied to all forms of art. I will keep this in my mind for the weeks to come and try to revel in this idea every time  I look for a source of inspiration for a project. Such a broad theme to work with...the possibilities are infinite.



  1. Totally irrelevant, but I just want to say that I quite enjoy the pictures you're posting of your studio. It could make a good photography project one day.

    Keep thinking about abstract concepts. The more you try to express them, the more sense they make in your head, and the easier they are to express to others, and the better discussions arise.

  2. "I was inspired by the things around me and how they act."

    You've discovered my trick! This is exactly what I do. All the time.
